Hilarious and accurate description of Australia


Australia is a very small chain of overpopulated Islands of dubious fertility surrounded by sand and salt water. Its prosperity comes entirely from its willingness to dig up its mineral resources and sell them overseas, principally to China which depends for its demand on the US as buyer of first, middle and last resort. And the US just voted to rush headlong into a major depression, if not actual financial collapse.
From “They NEVER give up”, November 4 2010 post at keynet.co.nz, by
Earl Mardle

One Response to “Hilarious and accurate description of Australia”

  1. Bill Raymond Says:

    Oz somehow reminds me a bit of Mexico. (Just as NZ is Guatemala – no really).
    Mexico: extreme levels of courtesy and hospitality stands in strange contrast to extremely high levels of violence of all kinds (State, domestic, street, narco-crime). A rich patchwork of cultures. Absolute mortgage dependence to US Capital. Enormous ecological diversity and riches, under destruction. Extraction economy.
    Australia: extreme levels of mateyness, multiculuralism, coexist with a harsh intolerance, xenophobia and colonial mentality re the Australian minority (that is to say the aboriginal peoples). A diverse population with a lot of cultures. Enormous ecological diversity and riches, under destruction. Extraction economy dependent on US capital in the final instance.

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